Om Mistra
Publicerad 2021-06-01
Mistra Dialog webbinarium: The Missing Link
Biologisk mångfald världen över minskar i snabb takt. Det finns ett akut behov av forskning för att identifiera det skadliga sambandet mellan den globala ekonomin och förlusten av biologisk mångfald. Och, mest kritiskt, forskning om de åtgärder som kan vidtas för att bryta sambandet. Det är budskapet i Mistras expertpanels rapport om biologisk mångfald och det finansiella systemet.
Datum: 23 juni 2021
Tid: 10.00-11.00
Plats: Zoom
Med den biologiska mångfalden som en nyckelutmaning för hållbara finanser har Mistra identifierat detta som ett område i behov av forskningsfinansiering, och arbetar därmed med en eventuell kommande utlysning, hösten 2021.
Som en del av Mistras process för forskningsinitiering har en internationell expertgrupp fått i uppdrag att skriva en bakgrundsrapport – Aligning Markets with Biodiversity.
Välkommen på Mistra Dialog-webbinariet The Missing Link – Biodiversity and our Financial Systemdär rapporten släpps och två av författarna presenterar innehållet.
With biodiversity now emerging as a key challenge on the sustainable finance agenda, with a range of upcoming initiatives and assessment methods, Mistra has identified this as a topic of interest for a future research funding call. As part of Mistra’s research initiation process in this area an international expert group was invited to write a background paper – Aligning Markets with Biodiversity. The report focuses on the current misalignment between biodiversity and the financial system and highlights the fact that our dependence on nature inextricably links biodiversity to global production and consumption. As a result, markets will always have a role to play in the solution to the biodiversity crisis. This requires an understanding of the missing link – the interplay between biodiversity and the financial system, and how this interaction can be positively transformed.
The expert panel behind the report was lead by Simon Zadek, Finance for Biodiversity. Contributing authors were Charlie Dixon, Vivid Economics, Andreas Merkl, Finance for Biodiversity, Mia Pantzar, Independent Policy Analyst, Thomas Kastner, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre och Nataliya Tkachenko, Sustainable Finance Programme, University of Oxford.
Welcome to this Mistra Dialogue-webinar at which the report will be launched and two of its authors will present the main results.
The session will be in English on Zoom, and as a participant you will have the opportunity to address questions to the speakers during the webinar. The background paper will be available on when the webinar starts.
Simon Zadek, Chair of the expert panel, chair Finance for Biodiversity Initiative
“For biodiversity to be a sustainable foundation of the global economy requires us to better understand its dynamics, risks and opportunities, today and into the future. Building this understanding requires that we support innovative research that blends and applies the best of what we know about economy and finance, biodiversity and data sciences. This paper sets out exactly such a research agenda that we hope will serve to strengthen the development of tomorrow’s biodiversity-friendly economy.”
Mia Pantzar, Independent Policy Analyst
”The report offers many interesting leads into how to make the financial sector more biodiversity-positive than biodiversity-negative, which is too often the case today. It explores our understanding to date about this merger, how it might be progressed, and importantly how to avoid unintended consequences. It will be very interesting to follow the new Mistra programme on the biodiversity-finance nexus in the coming years. It has the potential to make a significant contribution in this space, in the mobilisation of a sector that, if governed appropriately, could become a game-changer in the fight for healthy and resilient ecosystems and against overexploitation and destruction of our life-supporting systems.”
John Tumpane, Head of Environment Department, Formas, Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development
Felix Preston, Director, Sustainability Insights at Generation Investment Management
Linda Bell, Programmes Director Mistra
Jessica Bergh, Communications Officer at Mistra
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