

Om Mistra



Om Mistra

Publicerad 2021-04-22


Från kunskap om hållbar konsumtion till analyser av historiska samhällsomställningar. Här har vi samlat ett antal böcker med kopplingar till Mistraprogram.

Mistra REES har varit delaktig till den populärvetenskapliga guiden till juridiken kring funktionsförsäljning Funktionsförsäljning – en juridisk översikt och några råd för dig som överväger att börja sälja eller köpa funktion.

I boken Sustainability Transformations: Agents and Drivers across Societies analyseras hur samhällsomställningar för hållbar utveckling förstås i vetenskaplig litteratur, internationell mediedebatt, länders klimatlöften inom Parisavtalet och fokusgruppsintervjuer med medborgare. Författarna tittar också på historiska samhällsomställningar för att dra lärdomar och plocka upp erfarenheter inför den omställning rörande miljö- och klimat vi nu står inför.

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Sustainable consumption requires political governance and social responsibility. But who is to be in charge, and assume responsibility? The book A Research Agenda for Sustainable Consumption Governance identifies research needs for the years ahead to create a sustainable society, and highlights solutions such as a sharing economy and a circular economy. The authors include researchers Matthias Lehner of Lund University and Oksana Mont of Mistra Sustainable Consumption.

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In their book CSR and Sustainable Business, several researchers at the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) at the Stockholm School of Economics provide perspectives, based on real examples, on corporate social responsibility and sustainable business. The book gives an overview of the most important concepts and theories, and offers historical perspectives and a connection with business ethics. The original Swedish edition, published in 2012, has been widely used at leading universities and in leadership courses in both Sweden and Finland.

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Why do individuals and groups ignore and deny knowledge of society’s many problems? Knowledge Resistance highlights the phenomenon by integrating insights from social sciences, economics and evolutionary science. Climate change, vaccination and gender roles are controversial areas where differences of opinion about facts, knowledge and human motives are highlighted.

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Realising Just Cities draws on the experience of almost a decade of work in the Mistra Urban Futures research programme, which ended in 2020. Using highlights from the Realising Just Cities project, spatial, cultural and environmental aspects of justice are explored with the goal of creating a just city. The book captures research and its results and co-creates processes for gathering knowledge. The authors are Leonie Joubert and the team involved in Mistra Urban Futures Realising Just Cities.

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How can we create new methods of research collaboration that reflect the complexity of climate change, growing inequalities, declining biodiversity and unsustainable levels of consumption? Transdisciplinary Knowledge Co-production, with its practical examples of transdisciplinary co-production, is based on extensive experience from the Mistra Urban Futures research centre for sustainable urban development. The main authors are Kerstin Hemström, Henrietta Palmer, Beth Perry, David Simon and Merritt Polk.

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Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume I: Challenges and Development sets out to explore critical global challenges and addresses how consumers, producers, the private sector, international organisations and decision makers can play an active role in supporting a transition to sustainable consumption and production. The book explores various approaches and innovations, and describes social and economic contexts for the challenges and development towards sustainable consumption and production. The book is based partly on knowledge at the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum). Editors: Ranjula Bali Swain and Susanne Sweet.

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The sequel, Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume II: Circular Economy and Beyond, focuses on sustainable consumption and the transition of production to a circular economy, while addressing critical global challenges by transforming product and service markets for sustainable development. Editors: Ranjula Bali Swain and Susanne Sweet.

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Mistra programmes’ annual reports

Learn about the knowledge and results from Mistra’s research programmes and research centres by reading their annual reports.

Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning stödjer forskning av strategisk betydelse för en god livsmiljö och hållbar samhällsutveckling