Om Mistra
STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics 7-9 October
The conference “STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics” will present insights from national and international speakers and organisations on the various aspects for a sustainable plastic system such as decoupling plastic production from fossil resources, polymer and plastic design, recycling methods, policies and governance for a circular plastics economy.
For over a decade, concerns about the problems with the widespread use of plastics and its disposal into the environment, have been growing. Inspite of the many economic and environmental benefits provided by plastics, these materials have come to be seen in a negative light. Nevertheless, this has created a much-needed momentum for taking on the many challenges of the current plastic system such as climate impacts of fossil-based plastic materials, a low degree of reuse and recycling, and microplastics in the environment through research and development and innovation for transition to a sustainable plastics system.
The conference “STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics” will present insights from national and international speakers and organisations on the various aspects for a sustainable plastic system such as decoupling plastic production from fossil resources, polymer and plastic design, recycling methods, policies and governance for a circular plastics economy.
Who is it for? A broad audience including researchers from universities and organisations, students, industry scientists and managers, policy makers, and civil society.
Date and time: The conference starts 7 October 12:00 and ends 9 October 13:00. Please observe that “STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics” will be an exclusively onsite conference, i.e., participating digitally is not possible.
Location: Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund, Sweden
Datum: 7 oktober
Tid: 12:00 –
Plats: Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund, Sweden
Arrangör: Mistra STEPS
Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning stödjer forskning av strategisk betydelse för en god livsmiljö och hållbar samhällsutveckling