

Om Mistra



Om Mistra




Online dialogue: COP28 post-match analysis

Did the COP28 fulfil the expectations of political leaders, scientists, civil society, and youth organizations around the globe? What questions were left unsolved?

COP28 marks the conclusion of the first global stocktake. Did we come up with a roadmap to accelerate climate action? Was an agreement on operationalising the Loss and Damage Fund achieved? What questions were left unsolved and what issues need to be addressed before the next conference of parties in 2024? We gather a prominent panel to share insights into the COP28 negotiations.

This event is hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute and Linköping University in collaboration with Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research and the Mistra Geopolitics research programme. The event will be chaired by Professor Björn-Ola Linnér, Linköping University and Programme Director for Mistra Geopolitics.

Our distinguished panel include:

  • Mattias Frumerie, Sweden’s climate ambassador and Head of Delegation to UNFCCC at Swedish Ministry of Climate and Enterprise
  • Åsa Persson, Research Director and Deputy Director at Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Ricardo Marshall TBC, Director, Roofs to Reefs Programme (R2RP), Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados
  • Emma Modéer Wiking, Global Head of International Sustainable Business, Business Sweden
  • Maria Jernnäs, Post-doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Linköping University.

Welcome to an online COP 28 post-match analysis with a high-level panel.


Datum: 19 december

Tid: 13:30 – 15:00



Arrangör: Mistra Geopolitics


Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning stödjer forskning av strategisk betydelse för en god livsmiljö och hållbar samhällsutveckling