Om Mistra
Moving On: Towards a Circular and Sustainable European Society
Mistra REES invites you to a 2-day workshop on October 12-13 at Stanhope Hotel Brussels, Rue du Commerce 9, Bruxelles – Belgique.
An industrial transition is a necessary part to shift to a more circular and sustainable society. Such a transition is necessary to reach environmental and climate objectives and realize the vision of a Circular Economy and at the same time enable and accomplish a reindustrialization of Europe.
This transition will require that several preconditions are in place, including a well-designed regulatory framework, the right economic incentives, the development of circular business models, improved product design and new developments in standardization.
On 12-13 October Mistra REES with partners will chair interactive workshops devoted to this transition. Listen to industries and other experts discussing developments in policies, standards and business models and contribute to the discussion!
Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning stödjer forskning av strategisk betydelse för en god livsmiljö och hållbar samhällsutveckling